Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Signs Your Attic Might Need More Insulation

Insulation Products

Despite the fact that they add charm and grace to any roof, ice dams can be indicators of a more serious problem, namely improper attic insulation. In short, these ice dams form when the snow on the roof melts due to the rising heat, combined with the sun heat. And when water freezes again, those interesting ice shapes are formed. Pretty as they may look, they can seriously damage your roof and gutters.

At the same time, another typical clue would be that of moisture in the attic. This should be addressed immediately; otherwise the problem can only get bigger. Unusual temperature changes also ring a bell for more insulation needed.

A drafty house is another clear indicator of insufficient attic insulation. There are several methods which can help you determine the exact reason for these drafts.

If energy bills are unexpectedly high, there might be something wrong with heat losses during winter. It means you need to investigate a bit further and take proper measures to improve insulation.

In case you discover that insulation is the cause of all these symptoms, it is highly advisable to resort to a company that can guide you in this domain, while offering good-quality work done by expert teams,



Originally Posted on: Signs Your Attic Might Need More Insulation

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