Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Insulation Can Help Minimize Your Home Heating Bill

Improve Insulation Reduce Energy Bill

As far as energy use is concerned, cooling and heating represent no less than 50% of the average American consumption. Therefore, it is very important to try and determine the exact steps to take in order to keep your home heating bill down to a minimum.

Because building energy codes have changed a lot and got a lot stricter throughout the years, newer homes are better insulated. It is older homes that need a little bit more attention in terms of proper insulation systems.

One of the wrong assumptions that people make about heat is that it merely rises. In fact, heating moves in all directions, through conduction and radiation. This means that not only the attic needs proper insulation, but your entire home. Knowing this can help you save a lot on your home bills.

At the same time, there are many types of insulation to choose from. Choices may depend on the exact part of the home that you choose to insulate, the type of access that you have to that space, and so on. Materials may include loose fill, batts and blankets, spray foam, etc. You can either do the job yourselves, or choose a team insulation Lansing MI professionals.

First Posted here: Insulation Can Help Minimize Your Home Heating Bill

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